Overview of Reading at Whipman Woods
Reading is taught daily, at Whipman Woods through a series of lessons which build on prior knowledge. A range of key texts are identified and links to enquiry are made.
As a school, we use the ‘English Reading KKPDs’ document to ensure a range of objectives are taught throughout the year and progression is clear across the year groups. These documents take full account of the National Curriculum strands. Key texts that are taught each term are mapped out on the long term plan.
Teachers plan a sequence of 4 lessons throughout the week which follow the structure of:
Read/vocabulary; predict; question; clarify; summarise.
Lessons are planned to develop children’s knowledge of texts, vocabulary and also to teach exam style questions in an engaging manner. This prepares children in line with the FFT Framework and the Reading KKPDs.
Assessment takes place using NTS assessment papers. Gaps in learning are identified and taught in the following sequence. In collaboration with the SENDCO and TAs, interventions also take place across the school.
PM benchmarking is used to assess children’s reading ability.
Reading for Pleasure
Every week in school, we have a reading and reflection session. This is designed to get children interested in a wide range of books and texts.
During this session, children will have the opportunity to read a book of their choice, listen to the class teacher share a book, comic or newspaper or hear a recommendation from their class mates. Our school staff also recommend stories to children that they have read too.